Shadows Dapp Tutorial
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Step1: Add Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to the wallet.
You may notice right away that the wallet is on the Ethereum network. Let’s change that by clicking on “Settings”.
We then find the “Networks” button on the “Settings” page.
We then need to manually configure BSC. Below are the parameters to fill in.
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain Mainnet
ChainID: 56
Symbol: bnb
Block Explorer URL:
Step2: Under “asset”, add DOWS and ShaUSD token
DOWS address: 0xfb7400707df3d76084fbeae0109f41b178f71c02
ShaUSD address: 0xEbadF16569Dc9FE2822149106ffDbCA650C237C4
Step3: In order to trade synthetic assets, you need to have some DOWS in your wallet, we suggest you use PancakeSwap.
On Shadows Dapp, you can click on “Provide Liquidity” to get access to PancakeSwap
On PancakeSwap, you then put in the amount of BNB you would like to swap. (make sure you have enough gas in your wallet)
Click on “Swap” to get DOWS
If you purchased DOWS from or Uniswap, your DOWS are on the Ethereum network. So you need to use a bridge to swap the DOWS to BSC.
Step4: Mint ShaUSD in order to trade synthetic assets.
put in the amount of ShaUSD you want to mint
Note: In order to redeem your rewards, you need to make sure your collateral rate is above 800%.
For each transaction on Shadows Dapp, the platform charge 0.3% transaction fee, which will be distributed to our debt holders proportional to their share of the debt pool.
Step5: Choose the synthetic asset you want to buy and start trading it by using the “buy” and “sell” button.
locate the asset you are interested in
Step6: Burn ShaUSD to redeem your locked DOWS.
Extra note 1: When you have debt, you will be rewarded by ShaUSD and DOWS for every transaction that occurs on the platform.
Click on the icon “I" to learn more
Extra note 2: after you burned all the ShaUSD debt, you may still have some ShaUSD left if you had gained profits from trading synthetic assets.
put in the amount of ShaUSD you want to burn